Nov. 14 Talk: Satire as News

The Medium is the Jestage: Satire as Journalism

Chris Smith

Satire has been used by journalists as a platform for reflection since the invention of news. North America enjoys a particularly rich history of satirical media, from CBC’s Air Farce to Comedy Central’s the Daily Show.

Join Chris Smith, cultural critic, for his lecture on satire in journalism at the UBC Graduate School of Journalism November 14 at 12:30pm for a peek at how critics use satire as a tool to challenge — and change — the ways in which we see our society, our media and ourselves.

Chris teaches courses on Nonfiction and Cultural Criticism for UBC’s Department of Creative Writing, and has penned three books on popular music.  In addition to writing for magazines such as Rolling Stone, Men’s Journal, and Vancouver under the names Chris Smith and Chris Cannon, Chris appears weekly on Rock 101 as Rusty Shackleford, the Official Rant King of Vancouver.