Writing Requirements | 100
WRDS 150A Writing and Research in the Disciplines
Writing and reading in disciplines across the academy, focusing on practices that research disciplines share and those that differentiate them. Students in the Faculty of Arts can take WRDS 150A in order to meet the Writing Requirement in the Faculty
Writing Requirements | 100
WRDS 150B Writing and Research in the Disciplines
Writing and reading in disciplines across the academy, focusing on practices that research disciplines share and those that differentiate them. Students studying outside of the Faculty of Arts at UBC can take WRDS 150B in order to meet three cred
Minor in Writing and Communications | 200
WRDS 200 Writing and Communication Foundations
Key principles of writing and communication and issues currently debated in the field of Writing Studies. The role of writing and communication in making knowledge, constructing identity, and exercising power.
WRDS 250 Evaluating Knowledge Production and Mobilization
Critical and practical questions about how discourse communities construct and mobilize knowledge. The evaluation of knowledge as information/misinformation. How the evaluation of information is shaped by discursive contexts, rhetorical goals, and co
Minor in Writing and Communications | 300
WRDS 340 Multimodal Writing
Introduces students to the possibilities and constraints of writing in multiple modes through the creation and discussion of multimodal writing.
Writing Requirements | 300
WRDS 350 Knowledge-Making in the Disciplines
An advanced scholarly research and writing course that allows students to build on their existing knowledge of academic research and writing practices by studying specific features of scholarly writing relevant to their own interests and disciplines.
Minor in Writing and Communications | 300
WRDS 360 Knowledge popularization: Research Writing in New Media
Rhetorical purposes, moves and features of new media genres that use or transform research for public audiences. Provides opportunities for students to analyze, critically assess, and produce these genres themselves.
Minor in Writing and Communications | 300
WRDS 370 Research Writing and Marginalization
Examines how marginalized groups are positioned in research writing. Focuses on the role of power, knowledge, and ethics in shaping language features and textual structures of research writing.
Writing Requirements | 300
WRDS 380 Research Writing and Community Engagement
Applies scholarly research to community-engaged work that incorporates ethical communication and reflection.
Minor in Writing and Communications | 300
WRDS 390 Writing Disability
Explores disability theories, to understand their connections to writing and discourse studies.
Minor in Writing and Communications | 400
WRDS 400
Writing and Communication Capstone
Critical assessment of approaches to writing and communication. Key principles of the field applied to public and professional domains relevant to students' future work, studies, service, or work.
Minor in Writing and Communications | 400
WRDS 450
Writing Practices for Publics & Publications
Writing processes and strategies conducive to developing larger, long-term research projects into genres of writing intended to publicly engage with scholars, activists, and intellectuals.
Minor in Writing and Communications | 400
WRDS 498 Special Topics in Writing Studies
In-depth study of selected topics in Writing Studies. Topics vary year-by-year. Restricted to students with third year standing or higher.
Minor in Writing and Communications | 400
WRDS 499 Directed Studies in Writing Studies
Individual project on a topic of interest in Writing Studies, completed under the guidance and supervision of a UBC faculty member with relevant expertise.