Special Note
Course overview
This course addresses the need for student journalists to gain experience in the field of international reporting while honing their research, organizational and technical skills. Students will develop video and multimedia projects, and enhance their critical analyses of current global issues as well as their aptitude in digital technologies. The class will be structured around a specific issue. Past projects have focused on development pressures in Brazil, global illegal logging and the role of young environmentalists in
China, exploration of the supply chains in the global fishmeal industry, and journeys of migrants throughout Turkey’s two-tiered immigration process.
These topics are selected in preparation for a field reporting trip to a collaboratively chosen global destination. A major objective of the course is to prepare students for reporting through both skill development and studies of best practices. Students are selected through an application process in their second year of studies. For more information about the International Reporting Program/Global Reporting, their past fellows and to learn more about their award-winning investigative projects, please visit the GRP website. A call out for applications will be circulated in late June.