JRNL 201 Introduction to News Audiences

Course overview

Journalism seeks to reach people and offer them information and commentary about issues of social importance. The people whom journalists reach or intend to reach can be called a news audience. The media environment includes diverse news audiences that can passively consume content or be actively involved in news processes – for example, by producing, distributing, or interpreting news-related content. This course focuses on news audiences and their relationships with journalists. We will learn how audiences have evolved, how journalists perceive and pursue audiences, how journalists’ conduct has been criticized, and what content and news sources audiences prefer. In addition, we will talk about audience engagement, including reception-oriented and production-oriented approaches. The course will also address different forms of audience engagement, as well as dark sides of engagement. Learning these issues and approaches will allow a better understanding of the media environment.

We will meet once a week. Our sessions will consist of lectures, class discussions, and group discussions/assignments. Class discussions will be based on the lectures, as well as on questions and examples you submit. Prior to five class sessions, you will submit a discussion question and an example, which are related to the week’s readings. Selected questions and examples will be presented and discussed in class. At the beginning of the term, you will be asked to select the class sessions for which you will submit questions and examples. In addition, you and your peers will be divided into groups and be given group assignments in class. For example, in a class session on journalism and audience engagement, groups may be asked to discuss how journalists can further engage with audiences. In a class session on dark sides of engagement, groups may be asked to propose ways to address online incivility. Groups will share with the class highlights of what they have done. Resources will be available online or assigned by the instructor.

At the successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Describe and explain what audiences are, how they have evolved in the media environment, and what news sources and news-related content they prefer (LO1)
  2. Identify and explain the connection between how journalists perceive and pursue their audiences (LO2)
  3. Explain and critically assess different approaches to audience engagement, various forms of audience engagement, and dark sides of such engagement (LO3)
  4. Analyze patterns of actual audience engagement with news professionals or news-related content (LO4)